Course curriculum
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Before we begin...Just A Few Questions To Help Me Help You
6-Week Course "Homework" (If You Choose To Join The Periodic Group Version)
Course Introduction
Goal of the course - Why Aim For Pro Quality Audio?
Bad Sound From Good Gear and Good Sound From Bad Gear
Examples of "Professional Audio" vs Amateur/Bad Audio
The Basics of Recording Your Voice on a Computer-Based Studio
Getting Started - The Mics, Software & Accessories, Plus How To Make Recordings
Gear List
What Mic Should I Get?
Setting Up Your Mic In Windows and Mac
Accessories - Mic Stands, Pop Filters, Cables, etc.
Microphone Pickup Pattern (Polar Pattern) - Directional vs Non-Directional
Where To Talk Into a Mic - The End or the Side?
Which Side of a "Side Address" Mic Do I speak Into?
Intro To The Software
How to Make a Recording in Audacity
How to Make a Recording in Reaper
How to Make a Recording in Adobe Audition
Ken's Formula For Professional Sounding Voice Recordings
What To Do When You Make A Mistake While Recording
Gear List
Phase 1: Before and During Recording
The Main Goal of Phase 1 (Before and During Recording)
Common Problems/Mistakes in Phase 1
A Few More Common Issues
Assignment: Time To Make A Recording
Phase 2: After It’s Recorded - Software And Editing
SUPER Important Thing To Know About Audio BEFORE You Edit
Add This To Your Recording Software! - iZotope RX
Destructive vs Non-destructive Editing
Cutting and Trimming
Effects Overview
Installing 3rd Party Plugins and Using RX as a Plugin
Intro To Noise Reduction
Noise Reduction With RX as a Stand-Alone Program
Noise Reduction in Adobe Audition - Just Built-In Tools
Noise Reduction in Adobe Audition WITH RX (Fast and Easy Way!)
Noise Reduction in Audacity - Just Built-in Tools
Noise Reduction in Audacity WITH RX (Fast and Easy Way!)
Noise Reduction in Reaper - Just Built-in Tools
Noise Reduction in Reaper WITH RX (Fast and Easy Way!)
What Do "Frequency" and EQ Mean?
Now Use Your Frequency and EQ Knowledge To Fix Plosives
Fixing Plosives With RX as a Stand-Alone Program
Fixing Plosives in Audacity With Just The Built-In Tools
Fixing Plosives in Audacity WITH RX (Fast and Easy Way!)
Fixing Plosives in Adobe Audition With Just The Built-In Tools
Fixing Plosives in Adobe Audition WITH RX (Fast and Easy Way!)
Fixing Mouth Clicks With RX As a Stand-Alone
Fixing Mouth Clicks in Audacity - Just Built-in Tools
Fixing Mouth Clicks in Audacity WITH RX (Fast and Easy Way!)
Fixing Mouth Clicks in Adobe Audition - Just Built-in Tools
Fixing Mouth Clicks in Adobe Audition WITH RX (Fast and Easy Way!)
What About Plosives and Mouth Clicks In Reaper?
Compression - What Is it? The Basics
How Do You Know If You Need Compression?
Doing Compression In Adobe Audition
Doing Compression In Audacity
Doing Compression In Reaper
Compression as a Special Effect
Removing Reverb During Editing!
Setting Audio to Target Loudness - Intro
Setting Audio To Specific Loudness - Adobe Audition
Setting Audio To Specific Loudness - Audacity
Setting Audio To Specific Loudness - Reaper
Export/Render Final Playable Audio File
Watch Ken Record and Edit a Podcast "Over The Shoulder" Look